Vibing 101

Read Time: 3 mins

Vibing 101, a starting point.

You walk into a room and feel something. Some people call it instinct. Others call it intuition. Others call it their gut. All are true. But there’s also the vibe. The experience and exchange of energy between you and the world.

Some people laugh at the word, brushing it off as a catchphrase for emotion or reaction or whatever. Fair enough. But why does everyone use the word? Why have humans explored the experience of “energy” since time immemorial? Why are New Age and wellness movements multimillion industries? Why do people long for connection and intimacy? Why do we feel what we feel and how can we elevate that feeling—that energy—to a conscious experience that helps us live better lives?

Nonchalantly ask a friend or two what they think about the vibe. See if they have a concrete explanation and how they experience it. They probably won’t, but they’ll still argue that it’s a real thing. Push the conversation forward and see if you can collectively devise a satisfying answer. Then next time you are out and about, apply the explanation. Try to see your personal experience through the lens of what you and your friends said about the vibe. Does it ring true? Is it a bit off? Might it need more thought and refinement? Does the description help or hinder your experience of the vibe? Does it enhance or diminish your ability to feel it?

In other words, experiment with both your understanding and experience of the vibe.

Here’s another one. Consciously attend to your own vibe. Not necessarily your personality. Or your clothes. Or your emotional state. Those are part of your vibe. But the vibe is its own thing. How do you vibe and what do you radiate and emanate? Now, once you’ve tapped in, experiment with different qualities, different energies, different vibes. Try them out for a few minutes or a few days. See if one feels better or worse, or if one fits better for a situation or relationship. See if other people respond differently.

Realize that this takes practice and can be tiring. But that comes with the territory. New experiences and habits take time and energy (no pun intended).

Lastly, enjoy the experience and experiments. Vibes are not always good, happy, and positive. This isn’t a Hollywood movie. This is real life. And there are all kinds of vibes, including bad ones. But no point in starting there. Instead, use your vibing 101 to enlighten yourself and others.


Vibes - Definitions


Language & Sound Vibrations